bbl players – six6s casino – The NBA ESPN exploded that Qi Qi asked the lone ranger to reinforce the boss and deny in person

January 19, 2023

According to the ESPN reporter Mike Mahon on the 19th, the solo hero Dong Qiqi has strongly hinted to the senior management of the team that he hopes to strengthen the lineup before the deadline of this year’s trade, that is, February 9.

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Unexpectedly, Kuban, the owner of the solo hero, came to the line of fire to clarify. In addition to stressing that Dong Qiqi has never made such a request, he also supports the management approach.

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Dong Qiqi, who averaged 33.8 points, 9.0 rebounds and 8.8 assists this season, has long been one of the most popular MVP candidates this season.

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If he really followed the practice of other players and used strong demands to strengthen the team, he would have to apply for a deal if he was not satisfied, which would certainly cause considerable internal turmoil in Duxing Xia. However, Cuban came forward to clarify the fact that this information is false.

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“McMahon is wrong. Don Cheech has never suggested, requested, requested or discussed changing the team lineup,” Cuban said. “Don Cheech has a good relationship with the team manager.

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They chat almost every day. Don Cheech knows what we are doing, and he is very supportive of all our decisions!”

In fact, with Duxing Xia’s current 24-21 defeat, ranking fifth in the West Zone, Dongqi really has no need to ask the management for reinforcement, and Duxing Xia has no enough trading chips to recruit another player to match Dongqi, unless they consider changing the lineup substantially, the problem is that the probability should be very low.

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