bbl teams – Mukarram Jah – NBA/Davis will return to the Lakers in February to sign the “cousin” emergency restricted area?

January 18, 2023

Although the Lakers ended three consecutive defeats today, they are still actively strengthening in the free market.

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The Lakers recently signed Sterling Brown on the 10th.

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Last Friday, they also tried out two long center players, Meyers Leonard and “cousin” DeMarcus Cousins, and are expected to see their joining.

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After the trial training, the coach Darvin Ham gave the two people a positive evaluation: “They both look great.”

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However, with reservations, he said: “Whether we can do something to them is another matter, but we have been trying to try under different circumstances.”

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According to American media, the Lakers’ leading center Anthony Davis may return from injury as soon as early February. So Renard and Cassens may be able to solve the urgent problem of the Lakers’ restricted area, but whether they will sign the 10th contract with them in the end, Ham replied to the team’s due diligence report, “Let’s wait and see.”.

The 32-year-old Cassens, who was once the NBA center general, turned to Pelican after playing for the King for six seasons, and played for years. However, at the peak of his career, he was injured. First, Achilles tendon was broken, then left quadriceps was torn, and then anterior cruciate ligament was torn. After returning, he began to wander in the NBA teams. He was rumored to play in the future, but now he is still looking for a new home in the NBA.

When Renard played for the Heat in the past, he said improper words in the live video game, which was suspected of discriminating against Jews. At that time, he was fined $50000 and was not allowed to participate in team affairs for a week. However, that year, he was also reimbursed in advance due to shoulder and ankle surgery. The last time he appeared on the court was January 2021.

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